So last night Hannah and I went on a date with Joseph and Chad.. that was eventful. lol :) That is another story in and of itself though. The ending of that story is where this thought process begins. We went to Temple Square as the wrap up of our date last night and it really got me thinking... It's amazing how something so simple as Christmas lights can bring joy to so many people. I wasn't told where we were going last night so I neglected to bring a coat, so out there in my swim jacket freezing to death it finally hit me... Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and each good deed, each little reaction sybolizes one of the points of light at Temple Square. By themselves they're a mini miracle, but they're mundane and often overlooked, but when you compile them, the ending picture is magical. It's amazing how thousands of Christmas lights can detach you from reality and put you in a place of enchantment. I guess life is funny that way. The moral of this story is to put things into perspective and think about what's important in your life. :)
All my love always,
Erin Jo