Wednesday, March 19, 2008
First post of '08....sad... lol

So the school year is winding down, summer is fast approaching. It's so weird to sit back and think about all the things I've done in two years... I'm almost a senior which is really weird to think about. School has run so much of my life for so long it's unnerving to think that I'm going to have to actually face reality soon. Another thing that is ending are some of the friendships I've made with this year's seniors. I know we can all say we'll stay in touch forever, but there are just some people that when they graduate I'll never see again...It's sad but I know that because they're leaving, more new and interesting people will impact my life. So I've decided to share somem of my favorite memories of certain people with you.
Britta: It's basically impossible to pick a favorite memory that I have with you, Astro Girl, 11:00 Mac'n'Cheese, Warped Tour, prom fire, we get up to the most random crap. I think my absolute favorite memory I have of you is 19! That entire time, leading up and the jokes afterwords are worth more to me than life itself.
Randi: My favorite memory with you was the day we went to Walmart and bought crafts. Lol We're basically fantastic, and your R is still sitting in my room... I should probably get that to you. LMAO
Twin: Oh my twin. I dont even know what my favorite memory is with you. Probably bus rides, we always had to sit together and it was definitely a punishable offense for someone else to sit next to us (at least at first). lol I know that I tell people different things, but no one quite understands my boy problems like you do. lol You really mean the world to me and I thank the stars every day that I have you to talk to.
Morgan Love: I pretty much just love taking photo's with you. Anything and everything. The time in your room was weird because I really dont like having my photo taken repeatedly, but somehow you make it really fun.
My Jebby: Oh my jebby. Pretty much I just like being around you. lol you definitely make every day a party. My favorite memory of you is the LesWoLypics. That was a good time... I'm still slightly bitter that you beat me on the running around morgans tramp part though. Dang you and your perfect balance.
Lurpey: Oh dear. Lol You're pretty much a weird kid. But I definitely loved the first time we went to the comedy club with jeb and enano. It was completely and unexpectedly hysterical. I don't know if I've laughed so hard since. That day definitely ranks up there on my list of best dates.
Enano Bunny: So my favorite memory with you is really really really random. The day we sat on your bed and listened to classical music as we stared at the ceiling and found shapes? That was amazing. It was completely childish and a fantastica waste of time but i loved it. :D
Jacob: What else can I say? The date you took me on when we went ice skating? That was amazing. I loved it, even if i did fall and you didn't.
Brady Lee: My favorite memory of you is the one at Costco, before our 9th grade year. You were completely shocked when I ran up and hugged you and I don't think I've seen you that surprised since. We have fun :D
Basically the moral of this story is that with every person there is a story, and with every story comes a lesson to be learned. People teach me things every day, whether I want to know them or not. And I can honestly say that everyone I know has made me who I am today, and is constantly shaping my future. So thanks :D
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