What to do what to do? lol Highschool is so confusing I can't even handle it. It makes us laugh, it makes us cry, and we think its the worse part of our lives. But when we get old and decrepid we'll look back on these days with much fondness and reminice about "the good old days" Isn't life ironic? Well everyone knows about the events that have transpired this past week, and I'm not exactly sure what to say about them that hasn't already been said... All I'm going to say on the subject is that I'm glad everyone is getting along again. But this whole situation has really been making me think...about happiness. Happiness is all in the eyes of the beholder I guess. Everyone sees....or chooses not to see, happiness differently. It makes me think, how many smiles do I give everyday that are fake? How many laughs do I force? How many giggles do I push? Far too many as of late. I've been trying to act happy, thinking that if I act happy this entire thing will go away...Thinking that by acting happy....I will, infact, become happy. I was dillusionsal. But this whole thing with everyone being emo and all has made me take into account some things that I really didn't notice before, and I'm done being fake happy. I'm done with the fake smiles, I'm done with the fake laughs, and I'm done pretending to be happy so no one sees how bad I'm hurting. I'm not hurting anymore, and it's definitely time to smile. So this week my goal is to laugh like no one's watching, sing like no one's listening, live well, laugh much, and love often.
Something that my mom says we all need to take into account this week. "Life is too short to be unhappy." I love you all!
"We don't have time to sit around and hear about your jewelry!"
I love my Erinface.
i love this! and two weeks ago thats what i was thinking too. thats why everyone was kinda getting worried about me. cause i stopped with the fakeness of my happiness. but i am too happy. :D {not a fake smile haha} i love you and you are one of the main reasons i am once again happy!
Tons of love forever and always...
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