"If there's a prize for rotten judgement, I guess I've already won that. No man is worth the aggravation.....That's ancient history. Been there, done that."
Story of my life, eh? This is my formal apology for all my cranky-ness lately guys. If you all knew the whole story I might be more forgiven...but each of you only know a small part of the big picture (even if you think you know the whole thing, you really dont.). So I apologize again for my being a horrible person lately, and ask you to bare with me for a bit longer...Things are clearing up and I'm begining to handle everything lots better (ON MY OWN! YAY! I'm being independant again!)
It is officially summer and I'm so glad, as expected the drama is begining to clear up and life is getting easier. I'm being placid and relaxed...and for me that's kind of a big thing. The summer is alight with promise and allure. Everyone can feel it and the electricity in the air from it makes me wonder exactly what this summer will bring. Everyone's growing up and with that 'new found maturity' (I personally think I'll be more immature this summer than last summer...but thats ok) comes new found responsibility. Lake days become more than just sitting at the beach or boating with our parents...Random trips to Park City loose their chaparones (HOLEEEEEEEE HOLRRRRRRRRRR)... Curfews become more iffy and talking to people until 4 am becomes a small thing... Cars play a big part and cell phones become permanently attached to everyones hands.... swim suits become more than pink one pieces with a frilly skirt.... and 'summer crush comes to mean more than an orange flavored drink we have when we're hot... BBQ's expand from just your family....and movie nights turn into actual dates...but one thing that will never ever change is how much we love eachother and how we'll always be here for eachother. No matter what. Sometimes some of us get cranky (and its not just me!), sometimes some of us become anti-social, sometimes some of us can't stand being around others, and sometimes we feel as though we'll never be able to live without them....but we'll always have eachother. Hannha, Jebby, Ty Ty, Bwiwwa, Besto, Norgan and Randalynn....... though we fight, scream, cry, ignore, hate, love, and laugh...together's what we'll always be. No matter what the summer brings... forever and always.
P.S. The quote for the day comes from my great grandfather...he was a writer and this was the last thing in the world he wrote before he died: "There are many things to hold and behold in this wonderful rotten world" ~Norm Fuellenbach
Your great-grandpa was a very very smart man. I love you, and I'm super stoked for summer. Like you wouldn't believe.
its been a freaking month...
you once again slacker.
Love you
^^ so apparently i was being stupid and didnt even realize that this was a new blog ^^ oops.
This time i read it... and i pretty much loved it. Erin... your amazing and i love you!
this summer, i'm thinking, will be nothing like we've expected it to be. and that's not necessarily a bad thing. we're growing up, and i can't believe how much that's on my mind right now...sorry for being all melancholy. anyway, i can't imagine my life without you, did you know that? i really can't. but i must say here, one of the best and worst things about being so close to your friends is that despite anything you do, they will always love you. it's easy to forget that just because their love is unconditional, you still can't take them for granted. and now i've given some advice, of which you were the random recipient. goodnight.
yeah, a cell phone was attached to my hand. for like a week. the i got sick of it and thought it pointless. haha.
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